Monday, December 4, 2006

my people

I've always wanted "people". You know, the "I'll have my people get with you" kind, the kind who run your errands, balance your checkbook, clean your toilets as you relax at the spa or lounge on the couch reading. Megan (my youngest sister) was my first "people", although she would likely deem her role as "indentured slave". She rubbed my back, fetched my drinks, changed my laundry...all for the promise of crisp dollar bills. No tally was ever kept, but I'm sure I owe her millions of dollars (and a few therapy sessions). Yes, I abused that "people", but I did pay dearly for my next...

The Sprint cell phone. 411 was a magic number that I dialed in many a crisis. "Where can I find a good Japanese restaurant?", "I need the showtimes for all the movies playing at Harkins tonight", "Do you think long sleeves can be worn with capris?", "Is it okay for a girl to call a guy the day after a first date?", "What's the name of that movie with Shelly Duvall and Steve something where he calls himself Lobo?". I once had a bill for $500. Yes, you read that right. People don't come cheap. Marriage canceled & paid that phone.

Marriage also brought new "people". One day I was lying in bed, big-bellied with baby#1, and Jim asked me if I wanted a drink. My sassy side replied, "Yes, I'd like a 65 degree glass of water, please." Jim is sassy, too. He took a few minutes, but came back with a glass of water heated then cooled to exactly 65 degrees (thermometer inserted). Now that's service.

I am now the "people". My babies quickly indentured me. I help Aidan change from Spiderman to dragon to Superman to Jedi countless times a day. I diaper all of Davyn's stuffed animals at his demand (even manufacturing tiny ones for the finger puppet animals). Sometimes I think D&A are mini tyrants. Sometimes I want to revolt. But sometimes I see great possibilities for the future. On Saturday, I had a trunk of groceries to unload and D opened the door to the house for me with every trip. Aidan fetches diapers & wipes at my bidding. They turn off tv's & lights, close doors, put things in the pantry, start the dryer. Small steps, but potential. People potential. Some day they will change laundry, clean toilets, and wash my car. These mini-me minions will no doubt melt me into payment, ending up rich in dollars. But I will have "people".

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